Following on from the announcement by the prime minister on 4 January 2021 of the new COVID related lockdown in England, here at JC Payne, we are fully open as a commercial vehicle bodybuilder and aftercare specialists. The CV industry has played such a significant part in the country’s fight against the virus and we note with pride the comment in the government’s latest lockdown advice that manufacturing businesses are “essential to keeping the country operating and supporting sectors and employers.” Our fantastic team here at JC Payne will do all that we can to play our small part.
We continue to gather as much information from our three key stakeholder groups of our colleagues, customers and suppliers to understand how they will be immediately impacted by the lockdown, whilst reviewing any and all updates from the government to ensure we are able to provide our goods and services during the coming weeks. Above all else, the safety of our team is paramount and we are therefore once again revisiting our processes and practices to ensure their health and well-being.
We anticipate that the next few weeks will be challenging for everyone and we thank you for your support and understanding as we tackle this latest lockdown together. We assure you that all of our stakeholders will continue to receive the very same from us.
Whilst this isn’t the start to 2021 that we all wanted, with the news of the vaccination programme gathering speed, we can all hopefully look forward to brighter days ahead, including welcoming our customers and suppliers back to our Midlands home as soon as possible. For now, our team are at the end of a phone, an email or a camera – just get in touch with us in the usual way for anything you need from JCP.
Best wishes and stay safe.
Neil Brandrick
Managing Director
On behalf of all of us at JC Payne